This time of the year calls for acute mental stress and pressure for thousands of students who take various exams all over India.Both Rhea and Laxman were those kids who were busily preparing for their board exams.While Rhea ate well,slept well and took her exams,Laxman was erratic in his eating habits and break timings.It lead to lot of health issues just before his exams that he almost had to miss his exams.Let us see how Rhea prepared for her exams, eat right and stayed healthy.
Exam time is invariably a period filled with energy draining hours of studying, last minute memorizing episodes, sleepless nights and irregular eating. Though most them are able to overcome the physiological and psychological stress the performance in exams can be enhanced with careful planning of food and sleep coupled with well-organised study plan. Late nights, stress, missed meals and quick food fixes will all play havoc with your ability to concentrate, take in information and the function of your fit-to-burst brain-box
What to eat in the breakfast?
A proper break-fast is a must irrespective of you are a morning bird or a night owl. If you are morning person eat your breakfast by 10 am in the morning. But if you got to hit your bed only by early morning then keep a breakfast alarm , just eat something as simple as biscuits ,it would take hardly 10 minutes and you could then get back to sleep. This will keep your system energized through your rest period and you would not feel any craving while you get back for lunch. Preferable go for whole-grain dishes like multi-grain Paratha, Ragi Dosas ,oil-free scrambled egg with some veggies would be ideal.Along with the main dish also grab some mineral rich fruits like Bananas,oranges. When not eating egg it is recommended to go for a glass of milk for the good amount of protein source enhancing your memory power. Like everything else in your body, the brain cannot work without energy. And the first meal of the day is very important. The ability to concentrate and focus comes from the adequate, steady supply of energy - in the form of glucose in our blood to the brain .The fibre from fruit and whole grains will keep you going for long hours of study. One cup of tea or coffee a day would not matter but not a sip more than that.
What to eat for mid-morning?
For all those who study through night mid-morning around 10-11 am will probably spent in sleeping. But for the rest of you go for some sweet-lime or any citrus juice with some hi-fibre biscuits.A handful of Walnut and raisin s will do excellent work on your brain functioning by providing adequate amount of omega acids, DHAs and anti-oxidants.
What to eat for lunch?
A lunch with some rice or Chapattis is very important. Just add sufficient vegetables and whole legumes as the accompaniment. A whole grain maindish like Jowar rotis or a cup of red rice will always be useful.The fibre will keep releasing energy slowly and B vitamins will help in protecting the immunity system.A cup of curd or glass of butter milk at the end of the meal is ideal. You could stick to usual amounts but not the food made of refined cereals,high fat or high sodium. These might interrupt with your brain functioning and will give you more hunger pangs that will create fatigue and irritation.Keep away from heavymasalas and oil. Oily fish are great but meat and chicken are a big no-no.The lunch should ensure that the ingredients will help in maintaining concentration throughout the day.If you are a night owl then take some time from sleep ,have a warm shower and eat your lunch atleast by 3 pm.The next part of your day will be any way spent studying so ,stick to the normal routine.
What to eat in evenings?
A cup of milk with some short eats like ground nut Chikkis,home-made or local made whole-grain Chakklis or Murukku is fine to get you off that afternoon sleepiness mode. These will keep your brain active after putting in such long hours of work.
What to eat in mid-evening?
A cup of vegetable salad made of Cucumber,onion and tomato is enough to keep you hydrated and refresh your senses for the last phase of your day.Grab some simple Papads,Khakhra or steamed snacks for this break to go with it.Or just go for some Sundal or cooked whole legumes season with light spices. Lycopene in tomatoes can enhance memory.
What to eat in dinner?
A wholesome dinner will mean a few Chapattis with a cup of rice with loads ofDhal based dishes with vegetables and a cup of salad. If need be go for a grilled oily fish dish .Do leave out egg for dinners. Also go for light gravies for dinner.Vegetarian can stay with 2 cups of freshly fermented curd. The probiotics will build in a lot of immunity too. A fitting dinner should be followed by an apple.Apple is a chosen fruit here as it very filling and has loads of nutrients to combat stress and relax nerves.A half-cup milk of milk can have soothing effect for a good night sleep after a long day of brain work!
What should night owls eat at mid-night?
If you are the night owl that puts in the best of hardwork in the night,remember it is always only a second option.But then if you are already tuned to the routine then follow the tips:
- Have an early dinner preferably by 9 pm.
- Load your fridge with food like apples,bananas,milk and some handy whole wheat bread slices.Try some smoothies and blends.
- Keep your snack shelf filled with multi-grain Museli flakes and dates to munch.Also stock some home made chutneys to serve as bread spreads.
- Drink lots of water but keep away from aerated drinks.If required a glass of sweet lime juice is a good idea.
- Try to get to bed by 3am ,so that you can get back to your feet for your break-fast break.
Some more tips to follow:
- Stay away junk foods: Any food with empty calories and high amounts of sodium such as most western junk foods .But yes some light homemade Chatvarieties are allowed occasionally.
- Cut out on gums and Candies:Ensure that you don't chew gum. The chewing action will cause you to swallow more digestive juices, which will increase your hunger. Highly sugary products can play havoc with the blood glucose levels and lead to sudden falls leading to fatigue and restlessness.
- Stay hydrated:Water allows many of the chemical reactions in our bodies to take place and therefore, the speed at which our brains can work and process all those notes will be affected if we dehydrated . The NHS recommends we aim to drink around 1.2 litres of fluid a day - water being the liquid of choice to keep your body functioning on top form.
- Get enough sleep:While you want heaps of energy during the day, come bedtime ensure your body and mind are ready to rest. The sleep pattern disruption will cause anxiety and stress.
- Boost your immune system:If you've been suffering from stress, sleepless nights or a poor diet due to all that knowledge cramming, your immune system will likely need a helping hand. Avoid having your hard work scuppered by a cold or worse by filling your plate with fruit, veg and whole grains.
- Meditate and practice Pranayama: If you are above 14 years practice Pranayama and meditation to up your memory power and focus.
So just go ahead and eat well ,sleep well and enhance your performance in your exams.
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