Wednesday, 27 May 2015

The Big Fat Lies

You want to lose weight to stay  healthy? Just re-frame the you want to gain health to stay happy? Most people today  Google  for the former issue more!

                              If it was just this easy to lose weight 'online',then believe me nutrition and dietary sciences will never have any existence.But when the weight-loss bug bites in the battle begins with a lot of homework on what to eat and not, then a series of exercise routines. There are also some great believable crash diets that promise more than they can in reducing the extra flab. All continue until, they hit a road block with  a point of no return. 
                     Most of them gain more weight than before.Some just have fallen off the cart with more burden on their health.So let us see some 'Big' fat lies that seems to be cheating all. 

Crash Dieting:
Simple, a crash diet is nutritionally imbalanced. It will lead you into troubles more than one. Eating one of those diets with only fruits, vegetables or juices can be detrimental to your health. You might lose some kilos here and there but it drains you of all the reserved energy and nourishment.

Missing meals:
The most common myth is that missing meals can reduce weight. But it is actually other way round. It puts on weight and leads to you into obesity. If you miss one meal you then you tend to binge the next but might not burn the food you ate that is converted in to more fat. Always remember break-fast is a must. Every big meal should comprise at least 2 servings of complex carbs.

Dieting with ‘Sugar-free’ foods:

The most dangerous myth about dieting is to go on Sugar-free beverages, sweets and artificial sweeteners  for weight loss.But all these contain Aspartame which can kill your heart’s health and in the long run invite Lifestyle disorders affecting you. It is better if you could use healthier sweeteners like Palm sugar, Agave sugar or honey instead .

Going without fat:
A little fat is good for you. A total fat-free diet cannot reduce kilos in a big way. It is important to have foods with good fats like omega fatty acids and MUFA. Nuts like walnut, Avocado and olive oil are sources of good fats.

Curbing cravings
Another weight loss myth is to resist cravings .Whenever you are tempted to eat your favourite food, just go for it. But have small portion of the same. If cravings exceed too much then it will surely have a bad effect on your weight loss program.

Eating Diet pills/One meal supplements:
There is no single food or magic potions that will lead you to weight loss. All are either gimmicks or quacks setting you up. Never go on them. A healthy lifestyle with sensible eating can do the wonder! Food supplements are very dangerous in the long run. They can lead to hormonal complications in your body. Never go for short –cuts.

Keeping yourself away from favorite fast foods:

Well not works always.But fortunately most fast foods are not part of our culture.So the only threat is o of craving for these foods as an alternative or a change.Just learn to make wise choice on menu cards and share a plate with your friend.

All carbs are bad:

Never think that all carbs are bad.Unrefined cereals and legumes are best form of healthy carbs.But it seen that people avoiding all types of carbs to reduce weight.It is importnat to note that when a diet is devoid of carbs you lose some amazing nutrients that help you  to lead a healthy life.

Magic foods to burn the calories:

There is no magic bullet foods that can burn extra calories.Nothing works best other than exercises.
So never fall prey to such products.

So don’t just go ga-ga about fad-diets and get carried away by quick-fix solutions. What you need is a weight-loss plan that is sustainable and gives you the desirable results on a long-term basis.

 Always remember the 3 Ps-Prepare, Perspire and Persevere.

 Prepare yourself well, work-out is a must and be patient in achieving your weight loss goals.

Try to strike a balance between your food style and lifestyle.So gain health not just lose weight.

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