Wednesday, 27 May 2015

The Big Fat Lies

You want to lose weight to stay  healthy? Just re-frame the you want to gain health to stay happy? Most people today  Google  for the former issue more!

                              If it was just this easy to lose weight 'online',then believe me nutrition and dietary sciences will never have any existence.But when the weight-loss bug bites in the battle begins with a lot of homework on what to eat and not, then a series of exercise routines. There are also some great believable crash diets that promise more than they can in reducing the extra flab. All continue until, they hit a road block with  a point of no return. 
                     Most of them gain more weight than before.Some just have fallen off the cart with more burden on their health.So let us see some 'Big' fat lies that seems to be cheating all. 

Crash Dieting:
Simple, a crash diet is nutritionally imbalanced. It will lead you into troubles more than one. Eating one of those diets with only fruits, vegetables or juices can be detrimental to your health. You might lose some kilos here and there but it drains you of all the reserved energy and nourishment.

Missing meals:
The most common myth is that missing meals can reduce weight. But it is actually other way round. It puts on weight and leads to you into obesity. If you miss one meal you then you tend to binge the next but might not burn the food you ate that is converted in to more fat. Always remember break-fast is a must. Every big meal should comprise at least 2 servings of complex carbs.

Dieting with ‘Sugar-free’ foods:

The most dangerous myth about dieting is to go on Sugar-free beverages, sweets and artificial sweeteners  for weight loss.But all these contain Aspartame which can kill your heart’s health and in the long run invite Lifestyle disorders affecting you. It is better if you could use healthier sweeteners like Palm sugar, Agave sugar or honey instead .

Going without fat:
A little fat is good for you. A total fat-free diet cannot reduce kilos in a big way. It is important to have foods with good fats like omega fatty acids and MUFA. Nuts like walnut, Avocado and olive oil are sources of good fats.

Curbing cravings
Another weight loss myth is to resist cravings .Whenever you are tempted to eat your favourite food, just go for it. But have small portion of the same. If cravings exceed too much then it will surely have a bad effect on your weight loss program.

Eating Diet pills/One meal supplements:
There is no single food or magic potions that will lead you to weight loss. All are either gimmicks or quacks setting you up. Never go on them. A healthy lifestyle with sensible eating can do the wonder! Food supplements are very dangerous in the long run. They can lead to hormonal complications in your body. Never go for short –cuts.

Keeping yourself away from favorite fast foods:

Well not works always.But fortunately most fast foods are not part of our culture.So the only threat is o of craving for these foods as an alternative or a change.Just learn to make wise choice on menu cards and share a plate with your friend.

All carbs are bad:

Never think that all carbs are bad.Unrefined cereals and legumes are best form of healthy carbs.But it seen that people avoiding all types of carbs to reduce weight.It is importnat to note that when a diet is devoid of carbs you lose some amazing nutrients that help you  to lead a healthy life.

Magic foods to burn the calories:

There is no magic bullet foods that can burn extra calories.Nothing works best other than exercises.
So never fall prey to such products.

So don’t just go ga-ga about fad-diets and get carried away by quick-fix solutions. What you need is a weight-loss plan that is sustainable and gives you the desirable results on a long-term basis.

 Always remember the 3 Ps-Prepare, Perspire and Persevere.

 Prepare yourself well, work-out is a must and be patient in achieving your weight loss goals.

Try to strike a balance between your food style and lifestyle.So gain health not just lose weight.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Chips to Cherries:Super men with Acidity

Hey Men!
I know you are all superman wannabes. All of you want to do that and be there.It is tough to satisfy the needs of society,family and work at the same time.And now this whole thing is taking a toll on your health.It is reported that 7 out of 10 Indian men suffer from acidity or gastritis. It is branded as a lifestyle disease now.A condition can ruin the quality of life.The symptoms,causes and prevention of this condition is very confusion that a lay persons tends take a wrong step many a times. Mr.Shyam is all of 40 ,has a highly successful career and a good family.He is indeed a  'Super Man'.
                              But his sedentary and stress-filled life was unknowingly affecting his problem in a bad way. But has been suffering from acidity for 2 years Though initially the attacks were mild and sporadic but now it is  slowly turning into a GERD problem.When he came to me the attacks have become severe and chronic. We had to really look at the case in various angles.The first job was to control the symptoms and then was to address the root cause.If not treated immediately with present symptoms his body might pose a risk factor for oesophageal cancer .

What happens during acidity?
When excess acids are produced in the stomach  for some reason or other they start leaking into oesophagus and throat regions leading to heart burns .In  normal digestion, the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) opens to allow food to pass into the stomach and closes to prevent food and acidic stomach juices from flowing back into the esophagus. Gastroesophageal reflux occurs when the LES is weak or relaxes inappropriately, allowing the stomach's contents to flow up into the esophagus. The acid flow can considerably disrupt the lives of the suffer by causing an irritating and uneasy feeling.This happens while they eat or drink and also affects their sleep badly.The burning sensation can be which can be mild/sporadic and severe or chronic heart burns are usually the symptoms of other diseases too that are related to stomach and gut like Peptic Ulcer,Gastritis and GERD. The severity of heartburn also depends on LES dysfunction as well as the type and amount of fluid brought up from the stomach and the neutralizing effect of saliva.

What were the causes of Mr.Shyam's acidity issues?

    • He was always busy in his thirties that he had been eating irregular meals always.
    • He did try a few days of physical exercise but at most time never flexed a muscle or did any physical activity.
    • Increasing responsibilities at home and office did give him a lot of stress yet he could never figure out a way to de-stress .
    • He never fell sick much but whenever something happened it  lead to regular intake of antibiotics which ultimately gave rise to acidity in the long term
    • Most times he had to eat out with little control over spices and oil used.
    • Since the attacks were mild and sporadic he had overlooked the problem by just controlling the symptoms and not addressing the root cause.
    • Too many teas and coffees in his younger day.

                Identify the condition earlier,it is better.But how to identify it so that you don't become Mr.Shyam?

                  • A sudden increase in appetite
                  • A mild pain in the chest portion
                  • Feeling of burns in the guts immediately before and after you eat anything.
                  • Feeling of uneasiness in the upper abdomen and irritation in the throat.

                  What should have Mr.Shyam done in his earlier years.Some pointers:

                  • Eat proper 2 big meals and 2 small meals daily. Create time you will have great choices of food are available ,just search for them.Eat them.
                  • Take small and frequent meals. Always carry some ready foods like Bananas,apples or soft cookies handy if you are travelling.
                  • Daily exercises are a must even walking fro 30 minutes would do.
                  • Have lots of water a little more than what you usually have to ease out the bad feeling in the gut.
                  • Do quit your habits like alcohol and smoking immediately.Make a slow and a conscious change.
                  • A light walk after your dinner will be greatly helpful to avoid the nightmarish heart burns that disrupt your sleep.
                  • For severe cases of heart burns it is better to take help from antacid drugs.A course or two is greatly helpful till put your food style and lifestyle in place.
                  • Eat lots of fibre and specific fruits and vegetables are good in alleviating the symptoms.
                  • Once you get your very first attack ,always take pre-cautionary antacids whenever you are on antibiotic courses.
                  • Let your doctor know about this whenever you for any treatment.Now you will be called hyper acidic.
                  • Always go on a detox diet when you have been travelling for long ad eating non-veg foods.
                  • Do Pranayamam and meditation to release your stress.
                  • Avoid caffeine completely.

                  What should one do while suffering with acidity to fight the symptoms?
                  Once acidity attacks you a need to have  two thronged solution needs to be addressed:
                  One to fight the symptoms and other to address the root cause:

                  1. Keep some raw ginger juice and consume a tsp whenever you get the bouts.
                  2. Take a tsp of Jeera seeds with water that can ease out the digestion causing lesser acid secretion at a given time.
                  3. Also try eating an apple after big meals .The carbs in apple can ease the digestion.
                  4. Have lots of water intermittently between your meals
                  5. Aloe Vera juice and fennel tea also helps curing short term heart burns.
                  6. Having chilled milk whenever you get slightest symptoms help a lot.
                  7. In case of severe heart burns go in for antacid courses ,never suffer with symptoms for long.
                  8. But simultaneously work on a better food style and life style change.
                  9. stick to cooked and half—boiled foods and avoiding eating raw. Once the symptoms reduce you could eat any raw fruit and vegetable.
                  10. Eat frequently .Foods have to be bland,cooked and not raw or spicy.Avoid baked products too.Curd ,milk,rice ,dals are great healers.

                                      Mr.Shyam  did make some bad choices early in his life.But today he has changed his food style and life style.He is a badminton player ,does Yoga regularly and eating right wherever he is.He is happy and healthy. Continues be a Super Man too.(Mr.Shyam-name changed for privacy purposes.)

                                      Saturday, 9 May 2015

                                      Chips to Cherries story 2- A mom changes!!

                                      It was back in 2006 when I had entered corporate healthcare.I was working with a team of medicos who would trot between IT companies to provide counselling services.
                                                During one such visit is when I met Naina. A young sprightly girl in her early 20s who was a fresher from college and as joined as a software professional.With dream in her eyes she wanted to live her life happily. First time she cam to me was when she had completed 8 months with the com[any as her growing weight became a concern.She had gained almost 10 kgs with in short span of time.She wanted to reduce weight as also her family was in search of a suitor for her soon.
                                                                     The reason for weight gain was very clear .There was so much of junk and fat laden food she had to eat because she was staying alone and was not equipped enough to cook on her own.With absolutely no time for any physical activity she had but no other go but kept accumulating lot of fat in her body.
                                                        I transformed her diet a bit,taught her to choose right when eating out and guided her with simple exercises routine.Importantly told her the weight loss would be a long process yet a  sure shot one and she might get back to her old weight in next 4 to 5 months.
                                                            But the real problem was that she was not ready to wait.She resorted to crash diets that are blatantly floated on many sites on internet even today.I cautioned her.But in vain.Anyway,she did reduce and got married too .
                                                            It was over 2 years now.One day she came to me.She looked very sick and tired.She showed all signs of under nutrition.She complained of lack of appetite and fatigue.She showed signs of severe anemia and was in initial stages of hypothyroid .I was more shaken when she revealed that she had conceived but her doctor has warned that unless she changes her eating ways and mend her well,she might not be able to withstand the pressures of pregnancy.She had severe Gastritis,Insomnia and didn't have any hope of getting back to normalcy.No medicine really helped her and in the process was determined not to harm her baby.
                                                         Now her dream was just to have a healthy child for which first she had to become healthy and happy herself first.It was tough for some one like her who had forgone breakfast for almost a year .She had only salads for lunch and dinner was the only meal she ate.She couldn't give up much on her junk food habits either.She was under the impression that her lunch sacrifices she made will help her in overcoming this.But she was all WRONG.
                                                              I was happy to see her back for now. I was sure she would follow my advice. The next 2 months we worked up to the challenge.A healthy diet, right exercises and a few changes in her thinking changed her life for good.She delivered a health baby girl and back on her feet .Blessed are both are now and she is  still in touch with me .
                                                             She was a truly inspiring story of a mom who would do anything for her unborn baby even before she could become one fully.Such captivating is mother hood.
                                                                   Just to add that she is enjoying her life,being foodie not missing much still has learnt to live a healthy life.

                                      What should I say? Change to health and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

                                      (The name has been changed to guard her privacy.But she wanted her story to be shared as she didn't want anyone to undergo what she did.Thanks to her!!)

                                      Friday, 8 May 2015

                                      My Chips to Cherries Story

                                                       Once upon a time in the early nineties when meeting a friend was not over phone and junk food was not known,I was slogging out my 12th standard to become a doctor.I knew the dream was as distant as it could get.And nothing changed it.A time had come I became weak of health and was greatly  stressed out.I  had to be supplemented with all sorts of vitamin pills to keep me going till the exams.Exams got over and marks awarded I was nowhere near my destination. I had changed 2 schools in 3 years due to dad's nature of job.So,I had to continue my college in an altogether new place .
                                                 A new place ,a new goal and an eye-opener article in Reader's Digest set me thinking to  join  nutrition field. At least I could take care of my health better.Thus at 18,I started dreaming of me being a nutritionist and first thing I wanted to do was to improve my own health. It was a journey I started with a thousand ideas in my mind with most people around me almost ridiculing me for my choice.The course was mostly meant to churn out dietitians to prescribe healthy food for clinical purposes with very less scope for any innovation. But my inspiration for the subject was greater than anything else.I was blessed to have a great role model ,my professor who taught the basics,the 3 years were fun and I improved my health too.I stopped stressing and started living.
                                                             Another place change for my dad brought me to my next challenge. I could not pursue my further studies in Nutrition yet continued to  read a lot about the field and always kept  me inspired all through the period as though I knew what I wanted to do.My passion was waiting for a second chance.But always there was a continuous flow of encouragement from my family to be I want to be ..
                                                                 After my marriage I refueled my passion for the subject with my daughter just 3 years old I went on to do a Fellowship in Applied Nutrition with the encouragement of my family.With an internship  with Apollo hospitals,I was ready to take on the world.Soon I was a corporate dietitian and was also into kids diet counselling. Those days when I landed in Chennai it was already an IT hub.The worst part it was becoming India's number 1 Diabetic capital and youngest population with lifestyle disorders. During my brief stints as a home maker and a mother I continuously  applied most nutrition principles into practice.I was always the person to be something more than what is meant to be. To keep myself engaged in my small breaks from work I  conducted summer camps and classes for kids which involved atleast something about healthy food and eating.My friends and my parents were always my pillars of strength.
                                                              In the next few years, what came up were some highs and lows in my personal and professional life . But I kept reminding myself that I only wanted to live and not stress and marched towards my goal.After 9 long years of satisfying career in clinical and preventive nutrition with great organisations I was now a mom of two kids my little son still needing my attention.I  quit a rewarding job and decided to start off on my own and thus chips to cherries was born. Even before the idea was conceived, with all my counseling experience I inferred that people need a proper guide in making their life disease free and happy.What they needed was a food style and life style makeover!It worked wonders with my husband too who at a point of time had to deal with depression and acute acidity at the same time.
                                                          Together we drafted a change that could transform his life for good.Once this was done he was back on track enjoying his life.I understood stress was his key enemy .A conscious effort to turn around stress through right eating and living was need of the hour.
                                                                    I was more affected by the attitude of people towards health,diet and nutrition than anything else.All they wanted was to post pone or manage the diseases ,none wanted to prevent it.None wanted to change themselves for good. Also all these were transferred to next generation too. I totally abhor the westernization of solutions that are offered for Indian eating and living problems.This made me more determined to raise my voice against nutrition
                                      malpractices,misconceptions and myths.I thought reaching out to people personally was best.A humble start up now my baby-chips to cherries as a consultancy is just 2 years old. There have been testing times when I felt lonely and lost in my pursuit. Most time it was Facebook has been my anchor and I have been extremely fortunate to have had great friends who kept encouraging and trusting me.Most friends are foodies and I love being in their neighbourhood.I have learnt more about real food form them.
                                                                   I derive a lot of strength from my kids and with His grace I am happy to see that many people are changing to health through my efforts. I am proud that the movement has begun . A positive change towards health by balancing food style and life style is all that is required.

                                                           Dreams are never about preparing oneself for it but it is about preparing the world for it. Chips to cherries is just about  making it happen,the change you want to be.